Identity Mission
Identity Mission seeks to make sure that every child gets to grow up in a family. They have been successfully helping the country convert from an orphanage system to a foster family system. We support them financially to help them make their mission a reality.

Compassion International
Starting this year, we are partnering with Compassion International to support children around the world. Our church is “adopting” three children in the same age groups as our Sunday School classes. So your children will be able to hear about kids like them and be involved in sharing Jesus’ love with these kids.

CareNet of CNY & NNY
We have been partnered with the local branches of Care Net for many years. They provide counseling, prenatal care, and assistance for single mothers. We have the baby bottle fundraiser to support their organization.
24/7 Hotline (315) 738-9435

Hoving Home
Hoving Home is a Christ-centered recovery home for women who have been struggling with addiction. This ministry helps these women to renew their lives and teaches them who God is. In addition, we are partnered with them financially.

SIM Paraguay
As part of SIM, the Hough family has been dedicated to raising youth leaders in Paraguay. They are on a year sabbatical, but their goals never stop reaching towards lifting Christ-following leaders. We support them financially and with practical gifts.

Asia Ministries
We are partnered with a family dedicating their lives to being witnesses for Christ in a place where it is challenging to do so. They are working hard to translate scriptures into the native language of their area.

Beaver Camp
Beaver Camp is where the word of Christ is lived out and taught to the campers who attend the different available camp sessions. They also host various ministries and events. Our church helps to fund some campers each year to participate in the camp.

Our Region
Boonville and the surrounding towns are where God has planted us and where we can most readily be His hands and feet. From providing relief supports to community events and our prayers, we will be the city on the hill for our area.
Give a Financial Offering to the Areas we Support
Kids Ministry
Our kids ministry is run by a trained staff. We serve ages 0-12 every Sunday and at special events throughout the year.
Youth Ministry
Our Youth ministry serves grades 7-12 and meets on Sunday mornings.
The Believer's Track
The Believer's Track is designed to help in your spiritual formation. We offer Foundations courses, How to Study the Bible and Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts.
LIFE Groups
We believe that life is better in circles of community. We offer groups for men, women, community, prayer and more throughout the year.