There is a line in the song, “Joy to the World” that catches my mind each year at this time. “Let every heart prepare Him room.” Much is said and even sang about concerning the Christ Child and His coming into the world at this time of year. But I want to remind you of another child that came around six months before Jesus. His birth also had supernatural overtones. [see Luke 1] This little baby was proclaimed by heaven to have a message of preparation to receive the Christ into our lives. His name was John, and His message: “prepare the way of the Lord.” Heaven tells us to make preparations. Could there be anything that may be in the way of the Christ coming into your life? Let’s not make the same mistake of the generation of Jesus, for there was no room for him at the inn. This is a gift from the Father’s heart to you. [John 3:16] He is called “The Gift of Salvation.” Make a way for this gift to come to you, “for as many as receive him, He gives the right to become the children of God, to them that believe on His Name.”
Prepare Him Room