I will lift up my eyes to the hills — From whence comes my help? 2 My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. Ps 121:1 NKJV
We live in a time and in a country that is blessed with all kinds of inventions that can make our life self-sufficient. Many of our everyday needs have been met to the point that we have taken for granted our lifestyles. As a Christian I can see the inherent danger of having so many needs met by so many gadgets. We are warned by the Lord that prosperity has a way of making us forget where our real hope comes from. The emptiness of a life without God’s involvement begins to show up in all parts of our spirit, soul, and body. Praying, talking to God, and talking with God, is such a wonderful opportunity. Once we are convinced that our help truly comes from the Lord, prayer can become both wonderful and addictive. When we understand that our needs are much deeper than just bread alone or material blessings, we can pursue a truly healthy lifestyle of fellowship with our Creator. Remember it was when our fellowship with God was broken that every evil, every sorrow, every heartbreak entered into the world. How wonderful is our vision when our eyes are focused on the Lord who made heaven and earth. Who can compare to Him? What in this life could ever take His place? Only His truth can set us free from the chains of this broken world or our broken lives. Lift up your eyes, look away from every other source, and declare boldly your help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.